Sunday, June 3, 2007

I have done it!!!! Here are pictures of my sockapalooza sock. The yarn is schaeffer anne - I love the bit of mohair in this yarn. After washing there is a gentle haze around the sock that i love. I probably bought 3 or 4 different socks yarns with the intentions of using it and then found this in my stash... fits the colors my pal wanted. Why do I never look there first?
Now you can see the pattern. This is Metropolis Socks from Wildhorse Farm Designs ( Lisa Parker is the designer and I have to commend her on both her design and her clear instructions. (i have been stressing about figuring out how to link to her site and am pleased to see that it happened automatically!). I usually hate pooling colors but am pleased with what happened on the back of the heel.
I love the look of hand painted yarns in reverse stockinette so this suited. My pal wanted a short sock and I think the pattern worked. I am looking forward to trying it in a longer sock because I think the pattern is so interesting. Also easy to work but not boring .... just right. I hope that they fit ok - my pals foot is way different then mine and haven't worked up the courage to start measuring friends feet to find a suitable model. I'm reminding myself that when I read other people worries in this department mine first thought to them is to keep in mind that this is for fun and that i certainly wouldn't want my sock fairy to worry so I will make a conscience effort to do my best and let the rest go....

This isn't the most professional of layouts but had to share my excitement...
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Ashley said...

ryc: thanks! yours are coming along nicely too -- I agree, the pooling at the heel looks lovely.

Emma said...

Ooh, those are going to be gorgeous!

Laura said...

Beautiful! The colors are like a stained-glass window!

Christine said...

Those colors are beautiful! I can't wait to see the completed socks.